One of the great pleasures of visiting Venezuela is the chance to try so many delicious fruit juices. From exotic soursops to run-of-the-mill raspberries, juices seem to taste better in the tropics.
And there's no trouble finding them. You can enjoy juices at fruterias, areperas, luncherias and five star restaurants - anywhere there's a blender and a plug socket, basically.
Just don't ask for a "zumo", the Spanish word for fruit juice - especially if you say it with a lisp - because all you'll get in reply is a confused "Que?"
In Venezuela, freshly-squeezed juices, such as orange and mandarin, are called "jugos", other fruits that are mixed with water and ice are called "batidos", and milkshakes are known as "merengadas".
One word of warning, people like their juices sweet over here, the sweeter the better, so order your juice "sin azucar" ("without sugar"), or "con poco azucar" ("with little sugar"), unless you're ordering a super-sharp passion fruit juice, which needs a little sweetness to tone down the tang.
Jugos - Juices
Cambur - Banana
Durazno - Peach
Fresa - Strawberry
Guanabana - Soursop
Guayaba - Guava
Lechosa - Papaya
Mandarina - Mandarin
Mango - Mango
Melon - Honeydew melon
Mora - Blackcurrant
Naranja - Orange
Nispero - Sapodilla
Papelon con Limon - Raw cane sugar mixed with water and lemon or lime
Parchita - Passion Fruit
Patilla - Watermelon
Piña - Pineapple
Remolacha - Beetroot
Tamarindo - Tamarind
Toronja - Grapefruit (although its just as likely to appear in the Spanglish form as Greifu, Graifru or Grefu)
Tres en Uno - Beetroot, Carrot and Orange
Zanahoria - Carrot
By Russell Maddicks
Recipe: Carne Mechada - Shredded Beef
Recipe: Caraotas Negras - Venezuelan Black Beans
Recipe: Carne Mechada - Venezuelan Shredded Beef
Recipe: How to Make Arepas
Arepa and Co: The only Venezuelan food outlet in the UK
Glossary: Eating at an Arepera
I was so fortunate to live for 5 years in Venezuela where I learned about arepas and jugo de parchita! Today I am wondering if you remember the brand name of a bottled juice in Venezuela? One of the flavors was fruit punch. It comes in a tall clear bottle and I think the label is green. Do you know which one this is? Thank you for your help!
I was so lucky to live in Venezuela for 5 years where I learned about arepas, tequenos, and jugo de parchita. I am wondering if you remember the name of a bottled juice that is available in Venezuelan grocery stores? It is a tall clear bottle with a green label. One of the flavors I liked was fruit punch. Do you remember the name of this brand? I would like to try to find it here in Florida. Thank you for your help!
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